School number 1


J.Karakhanyan Secondary School (Number One)

Director - Gharagyozyan Marine

The first secondary school in Koghb is named after J. Karakhanyan and was founded in 1928. 80 years later, it is easy to assess the success of the school in its mission to educate the minds and nourish the souls of the children of the village.

The school currently has approximately 315 students and 46 teachers. The school is very proud of the work achieved by the students, as evidenced by their examination scores and placement in various competitions and contests.

Despite the age of the school, it is taking a modern and innovative direction. The school fulfills the goals and objectives of a 12 year educational system.

In the summer of 2009, with the help of the French charity <<MISSION ENFANCE>> and Raffi Kamayan, the school building was completely renovated and new furniture was purchased.


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