School number 2


Headmaster Karen Ashot Nazaryan

School N2 in Koghb, Tavush region, was founded in 1972. Being one of the institutions of the educational system of the Republic of Armenia, the school carries out elementary, principal and secondary educational programmes.

There are about 50 teachers, 97 per cent of which have corresponding pedagogical education. It is due to highly-qualified specialists that the graduates get high scores at the entrance examinations. At present 123 graduates study in higher educational institutions of Armenia. The school is also noted for its medalists. The tradition was kept by Satenik Bejanyan, a 2009-2010 academic year graduate, who left school with excellent grades and was awarded the medal.

All school teachers participated in training courses and have proper qualifications. Two teachers, Anahit Gharagyozyan (Biology) and Hasmik Abgaryan (Chemistry), took part in subject competitions, were recognized as winners, and after the corresponding courses received teacher training qualifications.

In September Mathematics teacher Zina Ananyan was awarded the ‘’Honoured Teacher’’ title according to the president’s order.

The school has furnished classrooms, which contributes to the high level of educational process organization. Biology, Physics, Chemistry and Technology rooms are equipped with modern didactic equipment and supplies.

The pupils successfully participate in regional and national subject Olympiads and other competitions and festivals receiving awards. Various activities, which are frequently held at school, contribute to the development of the students’ aesthetic taste and intellectual level. Since 2001 school’s intellectual club has won the first prize and Cup in regional competitions for four years in succession. In October 2010 Anush Barseghyan, a 11 form pupil, won the third place in ‘’Vahan Teryan’’ Republic competition.

Since 2000 the school has been cooperating with the organization ‘’Project Harmony’’. The  computer   room is supplied with up-to-date computers and equipment. Besides, the pupils have access to the Internet.

At present the school is under reconstruction by UN World Food Programme. The school consists of two buildings, the smaller of which is supposed  to be repaired by the French organization ‘’Mission Enfance’’. Since October 2010 the elementary school has been included in UNO School Feeding Programme.

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